Wunderlich BLAU
Wunderlich Managing Director Frank Hoffmann on Wunderlich BLAU and our goals
"We are committed to responsibility for people and nature. In concrete terms and in relation to the environment, this means that we are in a constant process in which we consistently focus on sustainability in all parts of the company. In this way, we constantly identify relevant potential in the production processes, in the process organisation and in logistics. After an evaluation process, we prefer to implement those that promise the greatest effects. What pleases me particularly is that our employees support this initiative with conviction and have developed an ambitious sensitivity for this topic and the possibilities with joy. With Wunderlich BLAU we are on the right track! However, we have not yet reached our goal".
With all measures and initiatives, it was important to us that they are fundamentally customer-oriented. For example, with the "Paperless Invoice" initiative and our INSIDE Wunderlich Magazine, you are free to decide whether you prefer the printed or the digital version.
No Plastics. Reduce and replace, that is our goal with regard to the use of packaging plastics. By No Plastics we mean the reduction in principle of the use of plastics in the area of packaging: This is done by consistently reducing volumes and replacing them with environmentally compatible materials with equivalent properties. In addition, we have already made considerable progress in gradually switching all paper and cardboard packaging to paper and cardboard from forests that are demonstrably managed in a sustainable manner. In the area of packaging, we will continue to consistently follow the path we have taken of doing without plastic and switching to fully recyclable packaging. The changeover of our product packaging to FSC®-certified cardboard or reusable bags (e.g. for our windscreens, benches or tank backpacks) required extensive coordination across the entire supply chain and has also prompted our long-standing supplier to rethink.
Conservation of resources. As a matter of principle, we take care to use materials in a way that conserves resources. In this way, we contribute to the reduction of waste and energy consumption.
Climate-neutral logistics. As an internationally active company with a high proportion of shipments, we see our special challenge and responsibility in this area. Since autumn, we have been consistently sending our parcels in a climate-neutral way. We bear the costs for this. In logistics, we succeed in saving or compensating for COâ‚‚ emissions of between 175 t and 190 t (tonnes).

Print products. We have decided to use forest resources in an environmentally friendly way and have therefore completely stopped printing catalogue works since 2021. We have been printing almost all print products on FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®)-certified paper since 2019. The FSC® system ensures the sustainable use of forests for present and future generations through a fundamentally environmentally friendly, socially beneficial and economically viable management of forests.
More information:Â www.fsc-deutschland.de
For magazine printing, we work with printers who have consistently organised their printing process in a climate-neutral way.
If you have decided to do without printed material altogether, you will find our magazine in our magazine portal for downloading.
Initiative "Paperless Invoice"Â In order to save resources, specifically wood, water and energy for the production of paper, you are free to choose whether you would like to receive your invoice in paper form or paperless as a PDF file. As a third option, we offer you the choice of both variants. More than 80% of our customers opt for the paperless form of invoice.Â
Energy. The electricity required for our business is produced in the form of renewable energy with our own photovoltaic system. With the measures introduced in 2020, we were able to increase the total output of our photovoltaic system by 125% to 180 kW. With regard to annual production, we have realised an increase from approx. 100 MWh to more than 220 MWh and are aiming for COâ‚‚ avoidance in the order of 160 - 180 t p.a.. We are thus making an effective contribution to reducing the consumption of fossil fuels.

Exchange seats We consistently manufacture many of our seats in a sustainable manner. Therefore, we are happy to take back the "old" seat in exchange. The seats are marked accordingly in our online shop.
Training and studies. We regularly train young, committed people. At present, we have 2 trainees, whereby the professional spectrum is wide and ranges from dual studies to commercial and logistical professions to two-wheel mechatronics. Our apprenticeship quota is thus above average. In addition, we regularly offer STEM students a long-term internship in our development department.
Participation. We regularly outsource the pre-assembly of products, packaging orders, the processing of printing and shipping orders on a considerable scale, as well as the maintenance of our factory grounds to an integrative institution.